
ProjectOxford Community Center
Address177 Lower Main St, Oxford BOM 1P0
Site SuperintendentJosh Bower
General ContractorBIRD
102, 17007-107 Ave Edmonton Alberta T5S 1G3 CANADA

Steel Trusses

MacDougall Steel Erectors Inc. is certified to CSA Standard W47.1 鈥溚夤琅槠 of companies for fusion welding of steel鈥 in Division 2 and, therefore, does meet the requirements of CSA S16 Clause 24.3 which is referenced in the National & Provincial Building Codes Section

NBCC Section "Building and their structural members made of structural steel shall conform to CSA S16 鈥淒esign of Steel Structures.鈥

CSA S16 Clause 24.3: 鈥淔abricators and erectors responsible for welding structures fabricated or erected under this Standard shall meet the requirements of CSA W47.1, CSA W55.3 or both, as applicable in Division 1 or Division 2. Part of the work may be sublet to a Division 3 fabricator or erector; however, the Division 1 or Division 2 fabricator or erector shall retain responsibility for the sublet work.鈥

Site ContactJosh Bower
CWB RepresentativeRachael Darragh