Office Locations


CWB Head Office
8260 Parkhill Drive
Milton, ON
L9T 5V7


4430 Rue Garand
Laval, QC
H7L 5Z6


206 19th Avenue
Nisku Industrial Park
Nisku, AB
T9E 0W8


203-1555 St. James Street
Winnipeg, MB
R3H 1B5

Appeals & Complaints

It is Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ’s corporate commitment to provide an environment where open communication is available to everyone; employees, clients and the general public alike.  This commitment is achieved through the services of the ConfidenceLineâ„¢ program, an independent third-party provider with an anonymous, confidential means for reporting sensitive information.

Scheduling Information

Our CWB Certified clients are able to request services, make changes to existing services, schedule CSR visits and much more through a wide variety of options.

To request audits, welder testing, or procedure testing appointments:

  1. Call or email your pre-assigned Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ Service Representative
  2. Email our Scheduling team:
  3. Call our scheduling team at 1-800-844-6790
    • For Ontario, dial extension 377
    • For Quebec and Atlantic Canada, dial extension 477
    • For Western Canada, dial extension 577