
ProjectRenovation and Conversion of Robert Bateman High School
Project Number23 000716 00 GP
Address5151 New St. Burlington
Site SuperintendentShawn Monkman
General ContractorNorlon Builders
151 York St. London Ontario N6A 1A8 Canada

bottom of main staircase and attached platform

United Steel is certified to CSA Standard W47.1 鈥溚夤琅槠 of companies for fusion welding of steel鈥 in Division 2 and, therefore, does meet the requirements of CSA S16 Clause 24.3 which is referenced in the National & Provincial Building Codes Section

NBCC Section "Building and their structural members made of structural steel shall conform to CSA S16 鈥淒esign of Steel Structures.鈥

CSA S16 Clause 24.3: 鈥淔abricators and erectors responsible for welding structures fabricated or erected under this Standard shall meet the requirements of CSA W47.1, CSA W55.3 or both, as applicable in Division 1 or Division 2. Part of the work may be sublet to a Division 3 fabricator or erector; however, the Division 1 or Division 2 fabricator or erector shall retain responsibility for the sublet work.鈥

Site ContactShawn Monkman
CWB RepresentativeMatthew Keep