How to make a desk organizer

In this video, Daniela Torelli, Assistant Welding Instructor at the Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ, demonstrates a desk organizer.

Download the Assembly 3D file

Download the Assembly print file

How to Build a Bench

In this tutorial, Kevin Roy, a Journeyperson and Fabricator with 18 years of experience, walks us through the process of fabricating park bench legs.

Railing Fabrication

How to fabricate on-site structures like handrails while preparing them in your home workshop.

How to Build a Bike Rack

Join Kevin Roy, a seasoned journeyman and fabricator, for a concise and informative guide on building a community bike rack.

Welded Stump

This beginner welding project is great for students in a metalwork class as it has lots of welding and turns out great no matter what your skill level is.

Make a Bootrack

Watch Daniela Torelli demonstrate how to weld a boot rack using GMAW.

Make a Bumble Bee Garden Stake

This series is about anything and everything about welding including safety, setup, proper operation, diagnosing bad welds, and making cool welding projects.

Electron Beam Welding

In this video Max Ceron explains the basics of Electron Beam Welding (EBW).

Robots vs Cobots

Max Ceron explains the key differences between robots and cobots in automation and manufacturing.

Arc Force

Max Ceron explains Arc Force (or "Dig") and how it works in welding.

How to prepare for your CWB audit

Demystifying the welding certification audit process.