
The current requirements of CSA welding certification standards allow welding fabricators to retain welding engineers on a part-time basis. Tapping into our knowledge and expertise can help you achieve your goals of welding performance and code compliance. 

Retained welding engineering services can be offered for the following welding certification programs:

  • CSA Standard W47.1 - Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ of companies for fusion welding of steel
  • CSA Standard W47.2 - Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ of companies for fusion welding of aluminum
  • CSA Standard W186 - Welding of reinforcing bars in reinforced concrete construction
  • CSA Standard W55.3 - Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ of companies for resistance welding of steel and aluminum

Expert support for optimal performance.

Working with CWB Consulting for your retained welding engineering services supports your business in several ways:

  • Better understanding of certification requirements
  • Required welding procedures developed by professional engineers and welding technologists
  • Increased knowledge related to drawings’ welding requirements
  • Expertise for selection of proper filler metals and development of heat treatment procedures
  • Improved welding production
  • Enhanced understanding of welding faults – their causes and how to prevent them
  • Decreased production costs 
  • Improved performance through a lean welding fabrication process

CWB Consulting can provide engineering services to help you comply with CSA as well as other standard requirements, including American Welding Society (AWS) and Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ASME Section IX.

Our team of experts will develop welding procedures (WPS), witness procedure qualifications (WPQR) and welder qualification testing so that you can meet code requirements.

These services can be performed in accordance with the following standards:

  • AWS D1.1/D1.1M Structural Welding Code–Steel
  • AWS D1.2/D1.2M Structural Welding Code–Aluminum
  • AWS D1.3/D1.3M Structural Welding Code–Sheet Steel 
  • AWS D1.4/D1.4M Structural Welding Code–Reinforcing Steel
  • AWS D1.5/D1.5M Bridge Welding Code
  • AWS D1.6/D1.6M Structural Welding Code–Stainless Steel
  • AWS D1.9/D1.9M Structural Welding Code–Titanium
  • BPVC ASME Section IX Boilers and Pressure Vessel Code

Compliance to European and International Standards

If you're a welding fabricator exporting to the European Union, you will need to meet the CE Mark requirements. CWB Consulting has experience working with European and International standards. Our welding engineering services will allow you to meet the ISO standards required for welded construction in the European Union.

Some of the standards that we can help you to comply with are:

For welding procedures:

  • ISO 15609
  • ISO 15612
  • ISO 15613
  • ISO 15614 series

For qualification of welding personnel:

  • ISO 9606 series

In addition to the above services that are required for the CE Marking, CWB Consulting can also provide:

  • Welding coordination required for ISO 3834 certification
  • In-house auditing for the CE marking required by different European legislations.

Get in touch

We can help you reach a lean welding fabrication process through our custom welding and productivity auditing process, so you can maximize your welding performance.