The demand for skilled trades workers continues to rise. The Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ has committed to providing world-class content for secondary schools across Canada to support industry needs and help reverse skilled labour shortage trends.

Secondary school teachers play a key role in getting students excited about careers in skilled trades. To support educators and engage youth, CWB Education Learning Resources has developed industry-leading content.

In conjunction with our , we offer content that helps students understand fundamental concepts in welding and metalwork as it relates to technology education and entry-level trades training.

All secondary school content includes instructor PowerPoints, practical exercises, quizzes, and e-learning. These resources help metalwork teachers equip students with relevant knowledge to successfully enter post-secondary, apprenticeship, and work experience programs.

Through the CWB Education learning platform, we support students and teachers in more than 300 high schools and school districts throughout Canada.