
Innovative manufacturing is a buzzword that is being used across North America in manufacturing sectors. Large scale companies are investing into these programs and colleges are racing to develop curriculum to provide industry with personnel that can be on the leading edge of innovation. The question still remains, what is Innovative Manufacturing? How can an instructor teach “innovation”? I will present some basic ideas on how an instructor can approach existing curriculum and learning outcomes and begin to adapt the lessons from the perspective of innovation.

Presented by Max Ceron, Instructor, Saskatchewan Polytechnic

CWB NDT Personnel ŮɫƬ

Presented by Patrick Ho (ŮɫƬ) during Welding Industry Day- February 12th, 2025

Essential Considerations in Selecting Filler Metals for 1/4" - 1/2” Joints

Presented by Matt Underwood (Hobart Brothers) during Welding Industry Day- February 12th, 2025

Gas Equipment Safety Training

Presented by John Henderson (ESAB) during Welding Industry Day- February 12th, 2025