Company Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ
Grow your business and strengthen customer confidence with certification.
We help you access more opportunities and solidify your reputation through independent certification and qualification of your welding operations and personnel.
Certified companies put safety and quality first.
Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ by the Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ tells your customers that you put safety and quality first.
If your company has been certified by the Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ, it means your welding operations have been independently reviewed to ensure they meet the requirements of critical standards and codes. It means your welding personnel, inspectors, and engineers are competent and qualified to do the work your customers want. It means your welding procedures comply with the requirements for a quality weld.
Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ is more than simply meeting standards. It’s a mark of accomplishment that tells your customers you have achieved an internationally recognized level of quality.
Not only are you increasing customer confidence in your work – you're enhancing your reputation as an employer of choice that invests in training and supporting your people, which can help you attract and retain skilled workers.
Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ is also good business. With your personnel trained to consistent high standards, you can reduce errors and rework that costs you time and money.
Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ is mandatory for some national, provincial, or municipal regulations, codes, and standards. Being certified provides third-party verification that your operations or products comply with these codes and standards.
Even where it's not mandatory, certification can open doors for your business. It allows you to access significant opportunities and bid on projects without additional cost or time delays.
Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ helps you build credibility, access opportunities, and grow revenue.
Getting certified isn't just about checking a box. It should be a critical part of your company's strategic growth plan.
Benefits of certification
- Access more opportunities and markets
- Enhance customer trust, confidence, and satisfaction
- Attract new customers and expand service offerings
- Showcase your expertise for a competitive edge
- Attract and retain qualified personnel
- Reduce errors and rework to save time and money
- Deliver products on time and to correct specifications
- Mitigate risk and minimize liability for you and your customers
- Ensure consistent training of personnel to the same high standards
- Standardize processes and procedures
- Strengthen the credibility of the Canadian welding and fabricating industry
- Support a skilled welding workforce – now and into the future
CWB is your trusted certification partner.
The Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ has been serving the industry for more than 75 years. We've helped more than 7,000 certified companies enhance their reputation and competitive advantage.
The Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ is accredited by, and operates under the authority of, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) as a Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ Body for the administration of Canadian Standards Association (CSA) welding-related standards.
Together, we're supporting the Canadian welding and fabricating industry.
Company Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ Standards
CSA W47.1
Fusion Welding of Steel
CSA W47.2
Fusion Welding of Aluminum
CSA W186
Welding of Reinforcing Bars
CSA W55.3
Resistance Welding