Welding Supervisor Qualification
Welding Supervisor FAQs
To qualify as a Welding Supervisor, you must have a minimum of five years of welding experience related to that of the company you are working for. In addition, you must also complete a series of exams, consisting of both open and closed book.
In order to successfully complete the exams, you will need to have knowledge on the appliable CSA Standards that the company is certified/applicant to (W47.1, W47.2, W55.3, etc.) as well as knowledge on Welding Symbols, Weld Faults, and Quality Control and Inspection Methods.
If you complete an exam at one of our Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ offices, you will find out your results immediately following the completion of your exam. If exams are completed offsite, once the exam has been returned to one of our Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ offices, the information will be scanned, and results will be emailed to all exam candidates. Following completion of the required written exams, a verbal examination is then completed with the CWB Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ Services Representative assigned to the company.
Upon receipt of the required forms confirming the welding supervisors' designation at the new company (CWB Forms 151 & 155), a verbal examination will need to be completed with the CWB Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ Services Representative at the new company. Once that is done, the transfer will be complete. Written examinations do not need to be rewritten.
Welding Supervisor Courses
Learn more about our Welding Supervisor Steel and Welding Supervisor Aluminum courses.