Important Changes in CSA Standard W47.1 - 2019
An overview of the changes in the 7th edition of the CSA W47.1 standard. The goal of every edition is to address new technologies and improvements.
Summary of Changes
Clause | Requirement | Changes |
1 | Scope | Changed reference to AWS D1.6 to the new Annex K for stainless steel |
2 | Reference Publications | General updates to reflect the latest editions of standards |
3 | Definitions | New definitions added to support revised requirements for robotic welding |
4 | Administration | Editorial changes only |
5 | Requirements for Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ | New requirement in 5.1.8 Certified companies shall provide evidence to the CWB's representative that welded connections have been designed as required by the governing standard. Reference to new informative Annex I on Advanced Quality Requirements |
6 | Welding Engineers | Clarified wording on requirements for visits and reports; no change in existing intent |
7 | Welding Supervisors | Additional wording to support new robotic welding requirements
Clarified wording on requirements for delegates; no change in existing intent |
8 | Welding Personnel | Revised requirements for organizations providing testing and evaluation services; no change in existing intent
New requirements for Robotic Welding Programmers New Requirements for Robotic Welding Operators |
9 | Qualification of Welding Personnel | Deletion of requirements for ASW; now covered by new Annex J
New requirements for Robotic Welding Programmers New Requirements for Robotic Welding Operators |
10 | Welding Procedure Specifications | No changes |
11 | Welding Procedure Data Sheets | Deletion of requirements for PQTs related to ASW; now covered by Annex J
New references to Annex J and K for sheet steel and stainless steel, respectively New requirements for PQTs related to robotic applications New requirements for PQTs related to plug and slot welds |
Tables | - | New requirements in Table 10 related to plug and slot welds
Extensive revisions to Table 14 dealing with PJP range of qualification Deletion of Table 21 for ASW; now covered by Annex J |
Figures | - | Deletion of existing Figure 5 for ASW; now covered by Annex J
Addition of new Figure 5 for PQTs for plug and slot welds |
Annex A | Suggested areas of study for Welding Engineers | Minor editorial changes |
Annex B | Guidelines for the Welding Engineer | No changes |
Annex C | Information typically included on a welding procedure data sheet | No changes |
Annex D | Sample WPS | Minor editorial changes |
Annex E | Impact Testing | Revised essential variable, including those related to thickness, position and material |
Annex F | CSA G40.21 and ASTM steels for Groups A, B, and C | No changes |
Annex G | Hardness Testing | Revised essential variables |
Annex H | Commentary on Clauses 5.6 to 5.11 | No changes |
Annex I | Advanced quality requirements | New, informative (non-mandatory) annex |
Annex J | Qualification of welding personnel and procedures for sheet steel applications | New, normative annex
Addition of performance and procedure testing requirements for sheet steel applications |
Annex K | Qualification of welding personnel and procedures for stainless steel applications | New, normative annex
Addition of performance and procedure testing requirements for stainless steel applications |
Annex L | Sample welding procedure specifications for stainless steel | New, informative (non-mandatory) annex |
Annex M | Qualification of welding personnel and procedures for marine applications | New, normative annex
Addition of performance and procedure testing requirements for marine applications Elimination of prequalified joints |
CSA Standard W47.1-19 Important Updates
No. The changes in CSA Standard W47.1-19 will not result in the need for the "Re-certification" of any clients currently certified to the 2009 edition. All clients now certified to the 2009 edition will be considered certified to the 2019 edition effective September 1, 2020. Certificates and Letters of Validation will not be reissued as they currently do not make reference to the year of the certification standard. All welder qualifications will be valid until the expiry date shown on the qualification and all existing CWB accepted welding procedures would remain CWB accepted indefinitely.
This change will not impact your application for certification to CSA Standard W47.1-19, as no additional requirements have been added. Your CWB Representative will continue to work with you to help you achieve certification for your organization.
No, the release of the 2019 edition will have no impact on your annual fees. Do I have to purchase a copy of the 2019 edition to maintain my certification? There is no requirement for existing clients to purchase the new version of the standard to maintain your certification. However, we encourage our clients to buy a copy of the latest edition to both be familiar with the changes and to take full advantage of some of the revisions to both welder and procedure testing options.
No, there is no requirement to retest any welding personnel (tackers, welders, and operators). Current qualifications will continue to be valid until the expiry date shown.
No, there is no requirement to resubmit any welding procedure documentation (WPS and WPDS). All currently accepted documentation will continue to be considered approved. However, new welding procedure documentation submitted after September 1, 2020, should refer to the 2019 edition of the standard. Note that beginning on June 1, 2020, any welding procedures submitted can be reviewed and approved in accordance with the 2019 edition at the option of the certified company.
No, currently accepted Welding Supervisors and Welding Engineers will not be required to rewrite examinations on CSA Standard W47.1-19. Welding Supervisors and Welding Engineers seeking qualification will be examined to the 2019 edition beginning September 1, 2020. Examinations completed before this date will continue to be done to the 2009 version of the standard.
No, Certified Welding Inspectors will not be required to rewrite examinations on CSA Standard W47.1-19. However, Welding Inspectors at all levels completing their initial examination on CSA Standard W47.1 & W59 will be examined to the W47.1-19 edition beginning September 1, 2020. Examinations completed prior to this date will continue to be done to the 2009 edition of the standard.
All Welding Supervisor Courses attended after June 1, 2020, will make reference to the 2019 edition of CSA Standard W47.1. Welding Supervisor "Study Guides" for the 2019 edition of CSA Standard W47.1 will be available for sale effective June 1, 2020.
Yes, Annex K is a mandatory annex and the requirements of Annex K must be met if your organization’s scope of certification includes the welding of stainless steel. However, stainless steel welder qualifications previously performed to the previous edition of CSA W47.1 (which referred to AWS D1.6) are still valid until their stated expiry date and can be renewed under Annex K. In addition, any previous welding procedures accepted to the previous edition of CSA W47.1 (which referred to AWS D1.6) also remain valid for use.