Requirements for Stud Base and Stud Welding

Stud welding is a key joining method used in the fabrication of buildings and bridges, typically to connect metal and concrete in composite structural members. CSA Standard S6 and CSA Standard S16 provide specific requirements around the qualification of stud base and their shop and field application.

CSA Standard S6 and CSA Standard S16 both require stud share connectors to be qualified in accordance with CSA Standard W59. This standard provides requirements for the quality of the material for studs, stud base qualification, workmanship technique, pre-production testing, operator qualification, repair and inspection of welded studs during production, and other key considerations around welding of studs.

Fabricators performing stud welding under CSA Standard W59 are required to use studs qualified by the Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ. Studs that are shop or field applied must be qualified by the manufacturer through the Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ to the requirements of CSA W59.

Qualification of studs will ensure the stud manufacturer has successfully met the tests and the quality system requirements as specified in the applicable standard.

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