The Audit and Assessment Cycle

The Stage 1 Audit will typically occur at your facility. The purpose of the Stage 1 audit is to audit the Management System documentation, to evaluate your facility and site-specific conditions, and to undertake discussions with personnel to determine the preparedness for the Stage 2 audit.

For all on-site work, the Audit Team will comply with your safety and security regulations. The Audit Team, including Observers shall have, always, during normal business hours, reasonable access to the facility or any places where the process and/or service is carried out and should receive the full cooperation of your staff to facilitate the audit process.

Your Lead Auditor will issue a report that identifies any omissions or deviations from the requirements. No nonconformities will be issued at the Stage 1 Audit, but you will be required to work with your Lead Auditor to ensure that the omissions and deviations are addressed prior to the Stage 2 Audit.

Your Audit Team will perform the Stage 2 Audit, which consists of an appraisal of the conformance and effectiveness of the implementation of your management system to the applicable standard(s).

At the conclusion of the Stage 2 Audit, the Lead Auditor will present the audit findings and recommendations to your organization during a closing meeting. You will be given an opportunity to obtain clarification from the Audit Team of the findings. The findings will then be documented on an Audit Report, and where required nonconformance documents. Nonconforming findings classified as minor will require a response with proposed correction and corrective action within 30 days. The Lead Auditor must accept the proposed action(s) in order to process the registration.

Nonconforming findings classified as major will require a response with evidence of the correction and corrective action within 90 days. The Lead Auditor must accept the completed action(s) in order to process the registration.

The File Assessor will review all the information from the Stage 1 and 2 audits and make the registration decision. In some cases, follow-up information may be required from the Audit Team and/or your organization. After the approval, registration documents will be issued to you.

CWB Registration will perform annual Surveillance Audits, the first occurring no more than twelve (12) months from registration decision date. The frequency of subsequent surveillance audits shall be at least once in each twelve (12) month period. Failure to meet required timelines may result on suspension or withdrawal of Registration.

Surveillance audits will cover only a selection of system elements. Findings, reports and nonconformances will be dealt with as with the Stage 2 Audit.

Re-Registration Audit activities shall be completed prior to the expiration of your certificate of registration. Audits should therefore, be conducted two to three months prior to the date of expiration to ensure that reports, nonconformities and File Assessing can be completed.

The audit cycle of two annual Surveillance Audits, then a Re-Regsitration audit continues.

Request For Information

Requests for information may be submitted by email to: info@cwbgroup.org or by telephone to 1-800-844-6790.


CWB Registration is committed to provide independence, confidence and impartiality in the management systems registration process.

Suspending, Restoring Or Withdrawing Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ

CWB Registration may be required to suspend a client’s registration if the agreed upon audit activities are not completed. This includes: limitations on access, audit timeline requirements not being met or nonconformities not being addressed according to the agreed upon timelines. Clients will be notified in writing of the suspension, limitations imposed and the required remedial measures to restore registration. Restoring registration may include a partial, or full-system audit, or a Withdrawal of registration may occur if the remedial measures from suspension are not addressed. Withdrawal may also be due to failure to pay fees and other expenses or for critical situations where the CWB Registration can no longer be associated with a client due to its illegal or immoral activities. Clients will be notified in writing of the withdrawal.

Expanding Or Reducing the Scope Of Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ

If a reduction in scope is requested, (i.e. removal of a facility from a multi-site registration) no additional audit activities are required. Increases in scope may impact audit times and contractual agreements. In most cases, an increase in scope will require a partial or full audit to verify that the implementation of the management system has captured the changes. This audit will not impact the existing audit cycle.

Appeals And Complaints

Official complaints or appeals may be submitted to CWB Registration for:

  • Services provided; or
  • Any decision not to award, suspend or withdraw registration; or
  • Any concerns with a client whose system registered by CWB Registration

Complaints submitted to CWB Registration shall be in writing with appropriate supporting documentation in order for CWB Registration to validate the issue(s).

Complaints may be submitted by mail to the attention of the Registrar and Director, Quality Assurance to: 8260 Parkhill Drive, Milton, ON, L9T 5V7 or by email to info@cwbgroup.org or through the CWB Confidence Line.

Complaints will be reviewed by the Registrar and Director, Quality Assurance and addressed by the appropriate internal parties as well as the Senior Team. Decisions and actions will be communicated to the complainant.

In the event an agreement to resolve an appeal or dispute cannot be reached with CWB Registration and appeals again the matter is directed to the Chair of the Board of the Íâ¹úÃÀŮɫÇéƬ. The Chair may appoint a committee to assist in reaching a decision.

If the complaint is rejected, the complainant may escalate the issue to the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). 

Use Of Registration Mark

CWB Registration’s Registration Mark is the property of CWB Registration, a division of the Canadian Welding Bureau. CWB Registration grants permission to CWB Registration registered companies to use the mark for the purpose of supporting their promotional efforts and claims that they are CWB Registration Registered. The mark may be displayed on company letterhead, advertising, web site, promotional material or other literature that references the company’s registration. It cannot be placed on manufactured or fabricated products, drawings, specifications, other documents or electronic media where it could be interpreted as meaning an approval of the company’s products or services by CWB Registration.

The mark must not be altered in any way, or used in conjunction with any modifying terms or phrases. The mark must be used in its entirety, including the reference to the applicable registration standard. It may be resized to meet size requirements, provided that the correct proportions are maintained. Use of any portion or part of the mark other than the whole is prohibited. No color use or variation other than the options specified as follows is permitted: white or black.

Permission to display CWB Registration’s Registration mark is conditional upon the company maintaining its registration. Misuse of the mark may impact registration. Loss of registration, for any reason, requires the immediate cessation of any and all use and display of the mark.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the use of the mark.